
The purpose of this document is to assist County Departments in understanding the legal requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.  Under the Civil Rights Act, ADA regulations have been developed and revised to continue the efforts to incorporate universal access throughout the United States.

Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in all services, programs, and activities provided or made available by state or local governments.  Physical and programmatic accessibility means that each government facility and program, when viewed in its entirety, is available and usable by people with disabilities.  

Examples of ensuring access to services can include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of visual, audio or printed aides;
  • Use of an accessible vehicle or mobility device;
  • Movement of a program/activity/service to an accessible location;
  • Accessibility improvements to an existing facility. 

County ADA Coordinators

Title II ADA Coordinator

For issues relating to individual access to County programs and services, the County’s ADA Title II Coordinator is available for consultation on any issue related to Title II and Public Accessibility:     

  • Brae Hunter, Title II ADA Coordinator
    Human Resources Department, Risk Management Division
    455 County Center, 5th Floor
    Redwood City, CA, 94063
    (650) 599-1151 desk
    (650) 647-9930 cell
    (650) 670-3103 fax
Title I ADA Coordinator

For issues relating to the accommodation of employees with medical conditions or disabilities, the County’s Title I ADA Coordinator is available for consultation regarding employment accessibility, such as reasonable accommodation options:

  • Jacqueline Cabezas, Title I ADA Coordinator, Disability Services Manager
    Human Resources Department, Risk Management Division
    455 County Center, 5th Floor
    Redwood City, CA, 94063
    (650) 363-4616 voice
    (659) 670-3103 fax

Department Title II ADA Coordinators

Each Department Head will appoint a Title II ADA Coordinator to oversee the programmatic and physical accessibility compliance for the department.  Department Title II ADA Coordinators also assist in the management of their department-specific ADA Transition Plans and ADA compliance survey activities.

As needed or as projects arise, Department ADA Coordinators will work directly with the County Title II ADA Coordinator and/or the County’s ADA Compliance Committee of the Commission on Disabilities. For more information about the Commission on Disabilities, visit their webpage at

*All references to the “ADA Coordinator” in this document refer to the County Title II ADA Coordinator.

Additional Resources: