Welcome to the County of San Mateo!  We are pleased that you have selected the County as your employer of choice. This site was designed to be your one stop location for resources and information essential for new employees.

Now that you are part of our organization, it’s time to get you onboard! We have streamlined and automated the new hire process and created this website (and a number of other tools and resources) to help inform you about what to expect as a new employee in San Mateo County during your first day, week, month and year of employment. The guide acquaints you as to what to expect in the respective time frames, as well as provides information and resources that you may find useful throughout your career with San Mateo County.

Let’s Get Started

Once a start date has been determined it is important to immediately start planning for your success. The information on this page is also available in a checklist. Both this site and the checklist are  designed to help you have the best start possible.

Some things on this page and/or on the checklist may appear more than once and/or not all items may be applicable to all positions. If you have already completed them, check them off again as you move down the list. If you have questions regarding an item, ask your Manager/Supervisor.

New Employee's Onboarding Checklist

Before Your First Day Your First Day/Week Your First Month End of Probation Online Presentations Learning & Development Tuition Reimbursement Program More Employee Resources Benefit Information for New Employees! Career Development Resources Charitable Contributions Campaign County Policies Employee Wellness Program HR Publications Maps to County Locations New Employee Welcome SamCERA San Mateo Credit Union Shift: Employee Commute Program Learning & Development Workday Find Medical/Dental Plan Information? Find County Policies? Sign up for Training Classes Get an Employee Parking Permit

Employee Benefits Self-Service

Workday logo on laptop

Use Workday to view and update your benefits and opt in to receive your tax documents electronically!

Find Out How

Employee Resource Information Network (E.R.I.N)

County Intranet Screen Shot

E.R.I.N is our County Intranet. We have a lot of news, events, and resources to keep you in the loop!

Visit ERIN!

Learning Management System (LMS)

LMS Dashboard

Sign up for training, view your transcript, browse the event training calendar, see your upcoming sessions, take online training.

Learn more about LMS

Connect on Yammer!

Yammer Logo

Yammer is a collaborative network for San Mateo County employees to share information across the organization.

Go to Yammer!

Employee Wellness News & Events

Employee Wellness Logo

Find out what's happening in Employee Wellness!

What's Happening in Wellness!
Before Your First Day Your First Day/Week Your First Month End of Probationary Period Employee Resources New Employee Welcome